

Individual Therapy

Is a type of counseling in which you meet one-on-one with a Therapist in order to process your thoughts, feelings, and personal experiences. Your Therapist will work with you to create achievable goals and use a variety of helpful counseling techniques.


Play Therapy

Is the modality of counseling that is appropriate for children. Play therapy is conducted by a trained professional and registered play therapist. This type of counseling meets children where they are at developmentally and allows them to express their thoughts, feelings, and experiences through their natural medium, play.


Family Therapy

Is a type of counseling used to support family members by resolving conflict, increasing effective communication, and healing resentments.


Group Therapy

Is a type of counseling used to support a group of peers working through common struggles. At Flourish, groups are typically open process groups, where members can give and seek support from one another in a safe, non-judgmental environment.


Parenting / Filial Therapy

Is a type of parent training that focuses on restoring and building the relationship between parents and kids. This type of training helps with removing power struggles, learning how to set appropriate limits, and learning how to foster responsibility and healthy self-expression in children.


Eating Disorder Support

Flourish offers support for those struggling with eating disorders at all ages. The counselors at Flourish are highly trained and experienced in working with eating disorders in individual, family, play, and group therapy.


Eating Disorder Training for parents / caregivers and spouses

Flourish offers training and groups for those who love and support someone with an eating disorder. Please see our calendar for upcoming trainings and events.



We offer virtual therapy within the state of Texas.



Natalie offers supervision to LPC-Associates seeking counseling experience with the eating disorder population.

our trusted partner

Lemond Nutrition

“Flourish Counseling collaborates with the dietitians at Lemond
Nutrition for continuity of care with their eating disorder clients”